Login and Sıgn up with ZKapp

I woke up this morning with an idea in my mind.

Idea exactly, Google or Apple ID (Ubisoft, Xbox,
The same system as the system that allows us to register and login to websites and applications using With a zkApp the whole web is usable.

Presenting this as a feature of the wallet may make it more functional. I think the most critical point here should be user experience design. Now if we can produce products for the whole world with zeroknowledge, we should. Please leave your thoughts below. Brainstorming and more technical information would be nice.


Thanks for the input and idea @kudretthunder, I think a few people have discussed ideas similar to this and I think real world use cases are vital for Mina to forge ahead. Just out of interested do you have any programming experience javascript or typescript?

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I tried Typescript and Solidity. I don’t have a software background, I’m going a little slow. I am currently trying to improve myself with bootcamps. SnarkyJS my next goal :slight_smile:


that’s great to hear. :+1:

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@kudretthunder I think this is a great idea, and a natural fit for Mina.
Today I work on Infra at O(1)Labs and this would be a pretty slick tool to have - but I also don’t have a deep Javascipt/Typescript background. I will try hacking on this idea in the coming weeks and come back to this post if I can complete a crude POC, to see what the community thinks.


It’s really great to hear that. I’m waiting for updates :).

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Hello, couldn’t the login be done on the wallet side like metamask?