TileVille: Expansion

This topic is to discuss the proposal submitted by @satyambnsal . Please see below for the details of the proposal and discussion.

09th Sep ,2024
Current status: Under Consideration.
Opened for community discussion on : 9th Sep, 2024.


TileVille: Expansion and Community Growth Proposal

Project Background

TileVille is an innovative on-chain strategic city development game built on the Mina blockchain. The game’s core premise revolves around players constructing and managing their own cities using hexagonal tiles representing streets, trees, and windmills. The current MVP version has gained significant traction within the Mina community, with over 1200 games played as part of competitions, demonstrating the potential for a fully-fledged blockchain gaming experience.

Proposal Overview

Building upon the success of the MVP, this proposal aims to significantly expand TileVille’s scope and enrich the player experience. Our goal is to create a more immersive and engaging game environment by implementing key features and improvements that will enhance gameplay, user experience, and foster a vibrant community.

Key Objectives:

  1. Expanded Gameplay:

    • Create multiple new game maps with diverse themes and challenges
    • Develop and integrate new game assets to enrich the city-building experience
    • Implement multiple difficulty levels to cater to players of varying skill levels
    • Design and introduce special event maps for limited-time challenges
    • Player-vs-Player game mode where players would be able to create a lobby and play with other player.
  2. Enhanced User Experience:

    • Develop a mobile-responsive design for cross-platform accessibility
    • Optimize performance for smooth gameplay on various devices
    • Implement a user-friendly tutorial system for new players
  3. Community Building:

    • Organize regular in-game competitions with attractive prizes
    • Develop comprehensive guidebooks, blog posts, and video tutorials
    • Implement a community rewards program and conduct targeted giveaways
    • Create a community-driven content creation program for user-generated maps and challenges
  4. NFT Integration and Marketplace Enhancement:

    • Expand functionality of the existing NFT marketplace to allow users to sell and bid on NFTs
    • Integrate with other NFT collections to provide holder perks
    • Offer exclusive maps, competition join fee discounts, and other benefits to NFT holders
  5. Ecosystem Engagement:

    • Collaborate with other projects in the Mina ecosystem for cross-promotions and integrations
    • Host educational events about blockchain gaming and the Mina protocol
    • Develop partnerships with gaming guilds and communities to expand TileVille’s reach

Ecosystem Impact

  • Showcase of Mina’s capabilities in supporting complex, interactive dApps
  • Increased utility and demand for MINA tokens within the game economy
  • Foster a vibrant community of blockchain gaming enthusiasts around TileVille
  • Attract new users to the Mina ecosystem through an engaging gaming experience

Proposed Development Roadmap

Month 1: Foundation and Expansion

  • Design and implement 1 new game map with unique theme
  • Develop and integrate new game assets (buildings, decorations, etc.)
  • Begin mobile-responsive UI/UX redesign

Month 2: Feature Implementation and Community Focus

  • Complete mobile-responsive design and testing
  • Implement multiple difficulty levels for existing and new maps
  • Launch community rewards program and first major giveaway
  • Develop and release 1 additional game map
  • Start community-driven content creation program

Month 3: PvP mode, Integration, and Community Growth

  • Player-vs-Player game mode
  • Implement integration with selected NFT collections for holder perks
  • Host a major tournament showcasing new maps and features
  • Release comprehensive set of guidebooks and tutorial content
  • Organize first educational event about blockchain gaming on Mina
  • Capture game metrics for feedback purpose

Budget & Milestones

Project Timeline: 3 Months
Budget Requested: 85,000 MINA

Budget Breakdown:

  • Development Team Salaries (2 full-time developers): 45,000 MINA
  • UI/UX Design and Mobile Optimization: 12,000 MINA
  • New Game Assets and Maps Creation: 10,000 MINA
  • NFT Marketplace Enhancement and Integration: 2,000 MINA
  • Community Building and Rewards Program: 16,000 MINA

Milestone 1 (End of Month 1):

  • 1 new game map launched with unique themes
  • Mobile-responsive design 50% complete
  • New game assets integrated into gameplay
  • Initial set of guidebooks and tutorials released

Milestone 2 (End of Month 2):

  • Mobile-responsive design complete
  • Multiple difficulty levels implemented
  • Community rewards program active
  • 1 additional game map released
  • Community-driven content creation program launched

Milestone 3 (End of Month 3):

  • All features finalized and optimized
  • NFT marketplace enhancements completed
  • Integration with at least one major NFT collection for holder perks
  • Major tournament completed showcasing new content
  • Comprehensive guidebooks and tutorial content released
  • Analytics metrics to further improve the game


Our dedicated team consists of three members:

  1. Satyam Bansal (Full-time, Project Lead & Senior Developer)
  2. Yash Mittal (Full-time, Developer)
  3. Ankita Dixit (Full-time, Community Manager & UX Designer)

Risks & Mitigations

  1. Content Creation Pace

    • Risk: Challenges in creating high-quality maps and assets at the proposed rate
    • Mitigation: Establish a modular design system for efficient asset creation and consider community contributions
  2. Community Engagement

    • Risk: Difficulty in maintaining consistent community participation
    • Mitigation: Implement a diverse range of activities and incentives to cater to different player preferences
  3. Mobile Optimization Complexity

    • Risk: Challenges in providing a seamless experience across all devices
    • Mitigation: Adopt a progressive enhancement approach and conduct extensive cross-device testing
  4. NFT Integration Complexity

    • Risk: Technical challenges in integrating with multiple NFT collections
    • Mitigation: Develop a standardized integration process and start with a limited number of carefully selected partners
  5. Balancing Gameplay Across Levels

    • Risk: Difficulty in creating balanced and engaging experiences for all skill levels
    • Mitigation: Implement thorough playtesting and establish a feedback loop with the community for continuous improvement


This expansion proposal for TileVille represents a significant opportunity to elevate the project to a new level of engagement and community involvement within the Mina ecosystem. By focusing on enhanced gameplay, new content creation, community-driven initiatives, and ecosystem integration, we believe TileVille can become a flagship application for Mina, demonstrating the power and potential of blockchain gaming. The requested funding will enable our team to fully dedicate ourselves to this vision, driving innovation and community growth in the coming months.


Hey there, great proposal. I’m looking forward to the next phase of TileVille!

One question I have is:

How are you planning to create a player-vs-player mode? How would clients interact with each other? Would it require player 1 to move → wait for player 2 to move confirmation, etc.?

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Thanks so much @zk_kirol

We plan to implement player-vs-player mode using Colyseus, an open-source multiplayer framework as an starting point . Players will be able to play independently without waiting for their opponent’s moves. There will be time limits for both the game link and the gameplay itself to ensure a smooth experience. This approach allows for asynchronous gameplay while maintaining competitive elements.