Mina Ecosystem Funding - a new funding process for Mina and results and learning from the first MEF tests

GMina everyone,

We recently published a blog post about the new funding process for Mina’s community, Mina Ecosystem Funding (MEF). It continues the introduction of MEF in the first blog post, which presented the vision of a future powered by participants. We also published a blog post about the results and lessons learned from the first MEF tests we conducted a few months ago with selected community members.

This thread is to discuss the proposed concept further and gather suggestions for improving the process to reach a point where it functions well with positive feedback so that a formal Mina Improvement Proposal (MIP) could be submitted as soon as later this year for implementing the MEF process fully on-chain. This will happen after there has been further testing and iteration on the MEF process, and there is broad agreement on the process working well.

The next step will be a broader test of the MEF process later this year, where funds will be provided to teams providing public goods on the Mina Protocol, and further feedback will be collected for iterating on the process. If you want to participate in the upcoming tests, please register here.

You can find more information and wider context in the following blog posts:

Grant Programs and MEF

Broader Governance

Share your thoughts and comments in this thread below, thanks!


Good work that lays the foundations for the next stage on Mina Protocol Governance. The current test staging of through Discord works well, it could also be good to have a dedicated website.