[Product Research Sketch] Mina For Anonymous DAO Voting

Snapshot just announced their StarkNet-based solution Snapshot X: https://twitter.com/SnapshotLabs/status/1483168945234321408?s=20
and clearly aiming for the DAO voting market. Am curious as to what advantages the solution proposed by Mina or Vocdoni would have over Snapshot X please?

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@lamps, that is a really good question, what are your initial thoughts on Snapshot X?

Hey friend, thought you and the team might like to read and comment on this. We are building (currently called Ovote - TL;DR: OVOTE is a L2 design for voting using validity-proofs (zkSNARK proofs), which is similar to zkRollups. The main idea is that the votes are aggregated offchain, and proved onchain through a zkSNARK proof , resulting in constant gas costs while scaling up to thousands of voters through a single Ethereum transaction.)