Stable coins on Mina

Thanks for kicking off this discussion @lamps. I suggest before this discussion progresses to the topic of specific solutions, we first outline the needs. What requirements are their of a native stable-coin on Mina?

I think there are at least four L1-specific features (note these features are covered by the fungible token standard draft here):

  • Peer-to-peer transactions of stable-coins
  • Deposit (user-to-zkApp) stable-coins into zkApps
  • Withdraw (zkApp-to-user) stable-coins from zkApps
  • zkApp-to-zkApp transfers of stable-coins

To expand on my personal comment on the range of solutions, L1-specific features, as mentioned above are only the first set of requirements seeking to replicate the features seen on other ecosystems. However, in this ecosystem developers can build far more comprehensive applications that can satisfy specific use-cases that map to real-world requirements. I personally think that it would be invaluable to capture these requirements in this forum.

An open working group that shares context on these real-world requirements and presents on them, synchronously or asynchronously, would greatly benefit the progression of this topic.

What are some specific real-world use-cases that a native stable-coin in the Mina ecosystem can address?